Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Autumn To Do List Getting Done

I know the year is dying,
Soon the summer will be dead.
I can trace it in the flying
Of the black crows overhead;
I can hear it in the rustle
Of the dead leaves as I pass,
And the south wind's plaintive sighing
Through the dry and withered grass.
Ah, 'tis then I love to wander,
Wander idly and alone,
Listening to the solemn music
Of sweet nature's undertone;
Wrapt in thoughts I cannot utter,
Dreams my tongue cannot express,
Dreams that match the autumn's sadness
In their longing tenderness.- Mortimer Crane Brown, Autumn Dreams

While taking in the beauty of this Autumn it is hard to think these temperatures will end but even living in my happy world, I realize they will. With each passing day the leaves are thinning and my view into the woods gets larger. I hate the end of the garden but look forward to the break. I like winter because we tend to spend more time together and less running around.

So this weekend we had started whittling away at our very long to do list. On Sunday we almost finished rough wiring of the electric. We only need the smoke detector boxes so they can be hardwired in. We got the hot water line done. We got #1 daughters things moved up to the attic, mom's lights in, her swing stored in the garage for the winter, dug horseradish, made one batch Raspberry Chipotle sauce, got all the laundry done and made apple bread pudding.

Monday while he was working, I had to go to the school and spin for a speech report #2 daughter was giving. I only had to be there for 1/2 an hour and wasn't allowed to talk - just spin. Yeah that was rough!!! I drove home only to drive back to pick up #2 son who was sick. When I got home I made 6- 1/2 pints of horseradish sauce from a new recipe from Audrey (the man loved it), made another batch of Raspberry Chipotle Sauce, got the laundry off the line and put away and started insulating the chicken coop. The man came home and made plans for the pigs to go to the butcher on Nov. 3.

Then yesterday while the winds were blowing to cool me off and before the rain started, I was able to cut down all the corn, cut the flowers down by the mailbox and decorate with some of the corn stalks, dig up some marigolds and transplant them by the mailbox, pulled the beans plants, pulled the cucumber vines (found some cucs which we will eat for dinner) pulled the zucchini vines, harvested the red and green cabbage and pulled 1/2 the broccoli plants. I finished insulating the chicken coop and planted the garlic. I came in a little after noon exhausted. I took a hot shower, made #2 son some lunch and started doing some computer work for the man. Last night I started on a new Hemlock afghan and I am up to row 21.

Today I hope to get some s & s cabbage canned. I would also like to get a basket of home canned goods made up for the couple that let us get the apples from their trees. It is raining so no outside work will get done but I am happy with what has been accomplished. Now if I could only stop adding to the to do list the man and I would both be happy!


debey said...

lost your email address.....please stop by
www.hinkersmelons.blogspot.com and pick up your halloween treat!

cyndy said...

You accomplish an amazing amount of work! Wish I had thought to plant the garlic!
Are you paying attention to the frost warnings for tonight?