Friday, October 12, 2007

A fall day

Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;
Lengthen night and shorten day;
Every leaf speaks bliss to me,
Fluttering from the autumn tree.
--Emily Brontë (1818–48)

And today was a day of true bliss. You know one of those rare days when everything is really perfect in your little world.

We got about 3 inches of much needed rain.
I walked outside to a crisp morning breeze and could smell someone's woodstove.
I got four duck eggs yesterday, one a small new one and today I also got four, two of which were small new ones so I know the spring ducklings have started to lay.
The sun came out and between that and the breeze all my laundry dried.
I went out and grabbed some turnips and carrots from the garden and some potatoes we dug the other day. Along with some of our beef and some store bought parsnips, a rutabaga, and onions we have a huge pot of beef stew. A loaf of mom's bread and we have dinner. I can't wait.

And to make things even better the pink star is done. I hit a snafu yesterday. I thought I had another skein but didn't and had to wait until I went to PT to stop at the store and buy the final skein. I did 41 rows. In the original pattern 15 rows would make a premmie afghan so it spreads across a full size bed with some to spare but not in all spots due to its shape.

I am going to cast on for the queen of Diamonds Gloves while I wait on #1 to decide what she wants on bf's stocking.

1 comment:

cyndy said...

Everything IS perfect! those carrots are wonderful! nice turnips! great taters! and a lovely make fast work of things!