Sunday, December 03, 2006

We've Got the Power

Yes we finally got power. Due to a storm on Friday, we were without power from 5:30 Friday evening until about 4:00 this evening. It is so good to have power back. We were lucky and had a small generator to power the freezers and some lights. The kerosene heater kept us warm and we have a gas stove without electronic ignition for cooking.

The man got toned out with the fire department as soon as the storm started to hit. There were automatic fire alarms going off because of the power blinking on and off and they had to check and make sure they weren’t real fires. They had to close roads due to power lines or tree’s being down and contact the power company/dept of transportation. He didn’t get home until about 10. The kids went to their dads and I sat with one oil lamp and spun in total silence. It was actually heaven!

Approximately an hour after the storm hit the skies were completely cleared and the moon was out. The next morning was beautiful.

The fire department is also an emergency shelter so they have a generator. The craft fair that they had planned for Saturday went off without a hitch. The local VFW usually holds a prize bingo in the evening on the first Saturday in December but they didn’t have a generator. The prizes and equipment were moved to the firehall as soon as the craft fair was over and they held it there. The VFW did pretty good because with no electricity people just came to get warm and to have something to do.

So what did I learn from my weekend without electricity….That our community who bickers like family most times can actually pull together like family…..that the generator was an awesome buy as it saved three freezers of food so has already paid for itself…that I should buy a bigger generator when money allows so it will power the well and hot water heater too….that I don’t mind not having cable or lights but I need running/hot water…and lastly I learned that I spun the most consistent yarn I have ever spun when I spun Friday night in near darkness….I am going to have to put blinders on to spin from now on!

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