And nowhere did abide;
Softly she was going up,
And a star or two beside-
By Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)

Tonight is the full moon. This month it is the Hunter's Moon. According to the Farmers Almanac this is because with the leaves falling and the deer fattened, it is time to hunt. Since the fields have been reaped, hunters can easily see fox and the animals which have come out to glean. Last night we were out and about and I took some pictures of the moon. I like it when we have a full moon and there is snow on the ground. It won't be long before I get to see that. Yesterday the kids had another soccer game as part of their tournament. They lost and I know I am not a good soccer mom because I was not upset by this. The sitting in 34 degree weather with the wind blowing made me quite happy that they lost and that we didn't have to stay for a second game.
As it wasn't much warmer today I stayed inside and finished another apple dishcloth and two apple magnets for my apple friends Christmas basket. Then going with the Christmas theme, I knit a five poin

I also tried spinning some silk sari waste this weekend. I bought this last year at Rhinebeck and just re-found it! I also found some dyed corriedale roving that I bought at the same time. I am so not organized but if you look at it this way it's a pay once and get excited about it twice deal.

So this whole weekend was full of little projects, now I have to find something productive to do. I don't know what I want to start and I am still working on the afghan. I guess it is back to looking at patterns I have saved.
1 comment:
Hey, that moom looks EXACTLY like the one I saw last night! (How do you get such good photos?)
The star project looks great, and the sari silk looks even better, I think I'm hooked, and I haven't even tried it yet ;-)
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