We had our plumbing/electrical inspection on the house yesterday. The inspector, thankfully, arrived early so we didn't have to sit on pins and needles. If we passed this inspection we would be able to put the insulation in over the long weekend...get that inspected on Monday....start drywalling on Monday night.
The plumbing passed...the electric did not. Very easily fixed, but he will not be able to come back to re-inspect until Monday so no insulation this weekend. In one respect it is disappointing but in another it is a huge pat on the back since we have never wired a complete house before and the fixes are very simple.
Here is why we failed...
they want two exterior outlets (one on the front of the house and one on the back )- I have two on the electric pole but they want it attached to the house not the pole
they want the 4 outlets in the kitchen on two seperate circuits
they want two more hardwired in fire/smoke detectors-we thought we could use battery
they want the GFI's in each bathroom on their own circuit.
So we are running to the store tonight and these will be fixed tomorrow. Drywalling will have to wait until next weekend which works out better as we have plans with #2 daughter and Sir T for a picnic and fishing day this weekend.
Garden news...In the large garden, 3/4 of the tomatoes are mulched, the beans replanted, the corn/potatoes hilled and two tomatoes are orange! In the greenhouse garden everything is starting to sprawl especially the squash. We started picking black raspberries the other day. Today we will pick the last currants and make jelly.
Fiber news...I am still spinning. And with nephews help picking the colors, I even kool-aid dyed some roving and then spun it.
So far as knitting...I start something and find that is not what I want to be doing and rip it out...This too will pass. I was able to finish two things...another washcloth and a bath puff.
Not very exciting but still an FO (finished object, sis).

So glad to see you are spinning, it looks great!
Love the flowers on the table, and the washcloth and puff are lovely too! (cotton?)
Your garden sounds like it is way ahead of mine...esp the tomatoes....musta been the mulch ;-)
ps....you passed inspection in my book (not that it matters)
You both did a fantastic job for never having been down that path before! Great Teamwork!
Sorry about the electric not passing at the first inspection, but it sounds like you have it under control and things will be just fine soon enough.
None of my tomatoes are orange. I have but on, but lots of flowers.
I love your yarn, and to think you spun and dyed it yourself, it is truly your own. I think that is fantastic! Congratulations. You are SUCH a talented lady.
Have a great 4th :)
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