Monday, August 27, 2007

My Bout With Genius

Genius is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration.- Thomas Edison

After sweating my butt off for days canning those tomatoes (promised photo of more salsa below)

Yesterday I had a moment of clarity....a rarity I know! I took all of these that I just picked pulled out the squeezo (a miracle tool) and pulped those babies. Filled up two gallon bags and threw them in the freezer to deal with at my own convenience. After I cleaned up the mess I took the rest of the day off. #2 daughter and I went school shopping (Have I ever said how much I hate to shop?) and we finished everything but sneakers and a couple of more pairs of pants for #2 son. I didn't even cook dinner just stopped at McDonalds.
While talking to Cyndy late last night she told me to go look at the moon. The picture does not due it justice. I could have sat out there all night it was so beautiful. Which might have been a good thing seeing as I couldn't get the larger turkeys in and one of them didn't make it thru the night....I am thinking coyote or fox.

While I was facing the masses in the stores, the man was facing this...A sincere Thank You to those involved in getting him there. The man needed the break, he works so hard and does so little that is just for him. He came home ecstatic and went to work, tired but still smiling. What more can you ask for?

1 comment:

cyndy said...

That squeezo must have been invented by a woman.

Your harvest looks lovely.
Glad the guys had such a good time, and thanks for the pictures!