And the air is wild with leaves,
We have had our summer evenings,
Now for October eves!
-- Humbert Wolfe (1885-1940)
And last night we had our Harvest Moon.
I was exhausted but when I got into bed it was so light out and then I remembered the moon. So I grabbed the camera, shoved my feet into slippers and ran out to take a picture of it.
Here's a picture of something that didn't get home before the sun rose Friday morning. The dogs were barking at something up the tree and we went out and looked and there he sat. We put the dogs inside and the man got him out of the tree and he went on his way. We were told we should have shot him since we have chickens and ducks but we couldn't do it. If he were in the coop with them that would have been different. We live right next to the woods so we have animals walking in our yard all the time. This guy just had bad timing!And here is a picture of what I am doing today. That is a piece of the fleece I got off my sheep. They are little finn girls that I got from Grace . This was their first haircut and they didn't particularly like it! But it is gorgeous and I love it. I was going to send it out to be processed but today I took it out to skirt it because I didn't have time when I sheared them. Then I had to have some of it to play with. So I started washing it and now it is drying and tonight I will spin! :^D I might still send the other one and the goats out it depends on the time I have to play.
I actually got to spin yesterday. I did a craft fair at our fire house. There were four craft shows within a 1/2 hours drive from us so I didn't make a fortune. I sold enough to pay for the table, my meals and take some home. It was a day out and a day of spinning so I don't mind. If I would have been home I would have been doing all that homey stuff that has been keeping from spinning so I will say it was a good day.
Now I am going to fluff my fiber so it dries fast!
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