Monday, November 23, 2009

May flowers?

Q: If April showers bring May flowers what do May flowers bring?
A: Pilgrims!

Q: Who is not hungry at Thanksgiving?
A: The turkey because he's already stuffed!

Like most Americans at this time of year, I have turkey on the brain. Right before Thanksgiving and we are just as busy now as we were in July. I received a windfall of strawberries and bananas this week and made jam's or froze them for later use.

Friday, #2 daughter had her birthday party so we took 4 of her friends to dinner and to see the Twilight sequel, New Moon. Exhausting! I now know there are other kids that can talk faster, louder and more than #2 and that they all are as obsessed as she. I didn't think it was possible but it is so.

And because the man likes to wait until the last minute, this weekend he worked on the house at the same time I was trying to get it spotless for company. I got a dishwasher and he finally installed that. I made extensions for each end of my table so we will all be able to fit. It now goes from 6' to 9' 8" and I actually have a tablecloth to fit it! Also more molding is finally going up. He got a great deal on fencing which he had to go fetch. Not sure if I will use it for garden or fence in more pasture for the sheep. I do know I am not going to worry about it until after the holidays, regardless of how many seed company's can inundate me with their catalogs beforehand.

I have been making kids hat and mitten sets.
I also made the pocketbook slippers and just have to sew them together. I also sewed up the miniature Santa and Mrs. Claus clothes for the clothesline. #1 daughter saw my garland and wanted it. I told her I would make her one. I made Santa's mittens, scarf, hat, socks, gift bag, shirt and pants. Mrs. Claus got her dress, apron and mop cap. It is approximately 6 feet long but I think it needs a little something. All the ones in the magazines don't have anything else so we will let #1 be the judge when she comes home on Wednesday. Can't wait to see her.

I have everything I need for dinner and it is just timing everything right. #1 does not think that a turkey and ham is enough to leave her a sufficient amount of leftovers so I will cooking up the wild turkey breast my brother gave me also. The kids get out of school early Tuesday and Wednesday for parent teacher conferences so I will have extra hands...and they thought they were getting a break!!!!
Now I have to wash windows are they are covered in wet dog nose prints. Or maybe I should go knit and leave it for the kids to do tomorrow!!!


Anonymous said...

Your garland is adorable.

I see you are knitting similar to myself at the moment. Hats and mittens, but do they ever really have enough of them? Of course not, which makes them perfect gifts. :)

Tammy said...

Wonderful knitting Judy!
I say knit!(no windows, the dog will be back w/ nose prints)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!