Thursday, March 26, 2009

First day in the garden

Methinks I see the wanton hours flee,
And as they pass, turn back and laugh at me.
~George Villiers
My sister had to run to the bank yesterday and she stopped in at the post office knowing I was expecting a package. The package contained....White Finn and even though it does not look it in this picture, jet black Finn rovingYummy! I really wanted to spin but I pulled a muscle in my leg last week and I don't think it is up to spinning quite yet. I am, however, finally able to slowly climb steps! It's the little things!

We assumed mom was going to be able to come home yesterday so I stayed here to play catch up. After a quick turn around in the house I went outside to work in the garden. I was able to get all the blackberry plants removed of last years canes and the new ones topped. While I was doing this #1 daughter was raking moms lawn.

We came back to the house and had a little sustenance then returned to the outside to work some more. We removed everything from the greenhouse so that the man could put in the new shelves, raked the garden into a burn pile and dug up some errant Jerusalem Artichokes. I think it is awe that I feel every Spring when things start to emerge. Everything that I saw showing signs of life was like a little reward....daffodil, chives, rhubarb, hyacinth, tansy, monarda, day lily, iris, mint, quince in bud, oh my!
Sis came home without Mom as they want to double check some blood work, set up the oxygen which will be coming home with her, consult on how soon dialysis should start and do some PT work. The new release date is Friday.

We came in, showered and finished dinner. After dinner we had company over and it was 10 before they left. I went to bed exhausted and aching but happy with the productive day. I woke up at 2:30 and my hands hurt so bad from the clippers and every little briar I hadn't found earlier. As usual I didn't wear gloves and my hands feel like sandpaper. I keep putting lotion on them but it hasn't really helped much.

Today I have to throw dinner in the crockpot and run to town to do my cleaning job. I am dropping sis off at the hospital to bully mom into getting up and walking a little. I would like to get the shelves in the greenhouse this evening as I want to start seeds this weekend but the man has been coming home pretty tired recently. Hopefully tonight we can test the leg by spinning some of that fiber. If it doesn't work, it is still nice to look at!


cyndy said...

Wow! your garden looks terrific! And you are getting so much accomplished!! Wonderful!

Glad to hear mom is coming home!

AND your Finn looks so inviting! How did you keep from diving in and having a roll about?

Tammy said...

Hi Judy,
So glad to hear your Mom is coming home.
The Finn looks very "yummy" :-)
I see there is hope for Spring growth in NE PA after all...things are slow growing here in my neck of the woods...everything looks wonderful in your garden.
Hope to see you soon.