And so it is another day, and one which so far has not dropped one single drop of rain! This storm was very fickle. We got almost almost all rain (approx. 6 inches) while people 3 miles away have 3-4 inches of snow and places within 50 miles have 18+ inches of snow.
Now Debey has asked me for a photo of the greenhouse and I haven't gotten it up here for her as I kept forgetting to take the camera out with me. But this morning the mind was actually functioning, so here it is...

I should have taken pics of the inside but on the right is the wall shared by the greenhouse and "barn". Here is my stool and tall basket with stakes, shovel and clippers etc. stuck in it. The left wall is wire shelves. The man built them for me. The bottom shelf is about knee high and the top is waist high. Under the shelves are totes with the rest of the flats or individual pots in them, coffee cans and 2 liter soda bottles. In the back wall is a shelf about waist high but with a mixing area for mixing the soil with compost or just dampening it. Under that mixing sink is a solid shelf which has a stack of clay pots, cans with twine, popscicle sticks, pens, ziplock bags, paper, hand clippers, scissors, trowels etc. In the right hand corner, under the top shelf is a trash can which my bags of potting soil goes into. The shelves are all one unit which came out of my old greenhouse and we had to actually build this one around. I have a ventless propane heater that I would lke to put in but I don't think it will happen anytime this year but maybe next. I would also have to balance the cost of the propane vs what I would be able to get out of it. It isn't much but it gets done what I need to get done. It should have been taller as the man is 6'4" and can't do more than stand in the middle so tends to stay out of it OR did I plan it like that so I have peace and quiet! Hopefully this week while it is warming up I will be able to get in there and plant tomatoes.
But until then I finished the cormo and now I am preparing to find what fiber I am going to use to make the baby bolero and stash handbag. Both of these are in the new book my sister sent me (another enabler...I love it!!!! :^D) Anyhow the book is called One skein and it will help me get rid of the bits and pieces I have.
So glad we are in the river valley, and missed all that snow!
The new poultry coop looks great!
I just planted the reisentraube a few days ago....can't wait!
Well glad you didn't have snow but you can't complain too much about the rain as I remember a few months ago you were worrying that with the little snow fall you could end up in rationing for summer. Won't happen now!!
I am so glad you like the book. I have heard you and mom so often talk about scraps skeins, and bits and pieces and figured there had to be something better to do with them than a junk afghan. Did you see the cool purses I made and sent to mom to finish??? Very cool. They just need a catch of some sort as I was not installing a zipper.
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