Friday, April 09, 2010

Idiotic April

April comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers. ~ Edna St. Vincent Millay

Every where I look something is growing.  We have had unseasonably high temperatures.  Records were being broken.  A little rain and then warm temps takes the nanking cherry from this...
to this...
It was unbelievable.  I even picked asparagus today!  It was on the 27th last year.  Oh granted it was only a couple of spears but there are lots more coming up.  
The columbine is unfolding,
the hops vines are reaching for the sky,
the hosta is twisting right out of the ground.
The irises, bleeding heart, spiderwort, mints, marsh marigolds, vinca, magic lily, peonies and may apple are all up and doing fine.  The azalea is even getting ready to bloom.
Of course the weeds are growing faster and some flowers are coming up thru last years leaf cover making it twice as hard to do things, but I think things will slow down a little now as the temperatures went back to normal.  Tonight we are to go down to 32 so I am going to have to put some heat into the greenhouse.  I planted some more peppers, brussel sprouts and cabbage.  The peppers I have in the house as they like it warmer and I wouldn't worry about the sprouts or cabbage but I do not want to lose the tomatoes.  They are looking pretty good.
I finished the second sock and they were quickly claimed by #2 daughter and then I knit a bib.  Today's cooler temps made it much more conducive for spinnig so I started in on the "bozo vomit".  Of course pictures will be forth coming.

1 comment:

cyndy said...

Oh my!

Beautiful photographs!

You are so far ahead of me, and only a few miles away! My asparagus has not even poked up one spear! (maybe age has something to do with it?)

Missed you today, hope you are enjoying spinning up the Bozo!