Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Digging Dirt

To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.~Mahandas K. Gandhi

I tend to forget everything while digging in the dirt and that is what I did for a couple of hours today. The man finished tilling the garden about 7 pm Monday night. This morning I was up at 5 washing windows as the nose prints from three dogs made it hard for light to get through. By 7 everyone was gone and I was in the garden. Heaven is.My sister and I raked an area for corn and planted 4 - 30 foot rows. She took mom for a Dr appointment while I continued to plant. I had raked out an area for tomatoes, made holes, filled them with water and was planting them when #1 daughter came along.

After the tomatoes, we planted cabbage and after that broccoli. All the plants that had been in the greenhouse were planted so we called it a day. We had planted 94 tomatoes, 76 cabbage and 34 broccoli. I did have some extra cabbage plants (of which I kept a few to see if I can fit them some where) and then gave the rest to a neighbor.

The rains have come and it is giving all our plants a good start. We still have to seed in cucumbers, beans, LI cheese squash, zucchini and sunflowers and plant the potatoes. The radishes and beets we planted Friday are coming up. The peas, carrots and lettuce we planted at the same time should be up soon with this rain.

In fiber news I finished the shrug and went to work knitting the baby smock coat. I dusted off the triloom and started weaving a shawl for #2 daughter to wear to her formal on Friday. My sister and #1 daughter made her dress, all I had to do was buy her shoes and weave her shawl...I got off easy! I will get pictures after I am done recharging my batteries that #2 son took from my camera to use in the Xbox 360 handsets.

In other fiber news I washed two more fleece. The spinning group had recently had a discussion on washing in cold water so I tried it. Of course the rain is good for the garden but not drying fleece.

And so tonight as I sit here (in pain) I am very happy. Today was the topping on a long weekend filled with work, night fishing off the pontoon boat for the guys and getting reaquainted with friends we had not seen in years. What more can one ask for?


Anonymous said...

How do you manage to wash an entire fleece at one time? Please tell me your secret. I spent 3 days working on one fleece, and it's not done yet, but almost done.

What a difference. You plant 94 tomato plants and I plant 6, and it will probably be way too much for 1 person, but I'll put up what I don't eat, and I eat a lot of the fresh! LOL Thanks for reminding me about beets. I LOVE them, but Lew never liked them, so I stopped growing them. I'm going to plant a row as soon as I can.

I have tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, corn and radishes planted. Still need cukes, 1 zucchini, and now beets! But I feed me and you feed many. Take care. :)

cyndy said...

So --we plant our tomatoes and corn, and (now after the rain) we get this chilly weather! Good thing we didn't seed the beans!

(we dug in the dirt this past weekend too..the mad rush to get it all in!)

Clapping hands for you that you are weaving again! That too, is like getting aquainted with an old friend, eh?
...can't wait to see pictures...

Tammy said...

It amazes me on all the work you get done! Can't wait to see the shawl.
I too planted my garden this past Sunday and I too am in pain, too much sitting and spinning this past winter for me, so now I pay the price!
We are enjoying the first harvest of radishes and lettuce, can't wait for the rest of the veggies

finnsheep said...

94 tomato plants! Yikes. I am outta-control with a dozen or so.

I need a cut and paste function in my garden. I have one row of potatoes where they shouldn't ought to be and one row that accidently got tilled up. I did transplant some potatos from where they volunteered from last year to fill out a row where there were some missing.