We have spent the last couple of days on personal pursuits and it has been heavenly. On Wednesday, my sister, #1 daughter and I went on pursuit of some spring scenery pictures.
Having been away for so many years, my sister is enamored with rediscovering home as it awakens from the frozeness she wasn't enjoying. We drove around a little and then ended up hiking to the top of the mountain.
Although the hike seems shorter as an adult we aren't quite as limber as we were as teens, which is when my sister was last up there.
Thursday found us in a much less enjoyable pursuit. We were in the pursuit of a doctor. #2 son had pulled a muscle in his back. While stacking fire wood he was standing on some round logs, ended up rolling, hitting the pile and when some started to fall he had to jump out of the way. He has decided to stand on the ground to stack from now on, of course when the pain ends he will probably forget and stand on a log again. It's a vicious cycle until things finally sink in. It must be the German in us that makes us all so hardheaded.
Friday was another pursuit of health and yarn. Mom had an oncologists appointment. She was feeling spunky and decided we needed a day out. We left early, had lunch, went to AC Moore and Michaels and then we went to the doctor. She is getting two unit blood transfusion today as her hemoglobin is down. As spunky as she has been, I can only imagine what is going to happen now!!! So far as the yarn I only bought... 
but when I got home my Knitpicks order was here....
So far my sister likes her "first pair of socks from sis". Sounds like she assumes there will be more to follow! I really need to teach her to knit.
Saturday dawned with the pursuit of fish. It was the first day of trout season. #2 daughter and I went to the ARC Hike/Bike-athon while the rest of the family went to catch dinner. After the hike we joined them only to snarl our line. If it were not for #1 son's girlfriend we would have starved but thankfully she provided and we had trout along with stuffed clams and coconut shrimp for dinner.
Sunday they went in pursuit of the fish again while I moved all the flats to the greenhouse. Sometime soon I am going to have to seperate some of the flats. Not one of the chores I enjoy so lets think of other things, such as the Nanking Cherries that are blooming. I am so easily swayed.
I started weeding the flowerbed that encircles the garden. A friend had given me some iris and I wanted to plant it before the rains came. The chickens decided I had loosed this soil just for them and dug up all the transplants in their pursuit of bugs. I gave up and went back into the greenhouse to seed in some herbs and flowers.
The family returned with one (small) fish for all their efforts. After a quick meal we went to play movable chicks, moving chicks from one pen to another as the new layer chicks will be in today. Some family members decided the chickens were getting too much attention and tried to look like a chicken.
Today the man and I are in pursuit of a little quality time together. The man called off work so we can finish up some projects around here. It is suppose to rain which we really need but will make outside chores harder to do. I might have suggest lunch out!
I just love you cat "playing chicken." hahaha
My Forsythia started blooming too, and today it is all covered in snow!!
Hope it missed you.... :(
SIS.......we have had some incredible days the last few days BUT we haven't seen you today and it seems weird. Get a move on.
All so beautiful! Nothing like spring in the mountains, eh?
(..well..sock yarn is all good too!)
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