Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hiatus interruptus

"There are two seasonal diversions that can ease the bite of any
winter.  One is the January thaw.  The other is the seed catalogues."
-  Hal Borland

I have not succumbed to the lore of the seed catalogue but the January thaw has come.  Living in a river valley means you're aware of seasonal ebbs and flows .   Our town is situated at the junction of two rivers -one many use for fishing and the other for rafting, so river levels are the start of many conversations.   An ice jam release on one can trigger the release on the other.  Right now the river on which we own property is pretty much clear.  The water is running high but all within its boundaries.  The other river is more prone to ice jams but they all went out without incident.

I have been spinning.  After cleaning my woolee winder  the large gear kept coming on done.  I eventually lost the screw and had to write to them for a replacement.  They sent me two free of charge and I am finally able to spin again.  The problem was the gear was re-installed backwards.  It feels good to be able to spin problem free again.  I finished spinning  two balls and have since plied them.

 I knit an om nom hat and polar bear hat.  Then I took some handspun yarn and started working on a pair of slippers for #2 daughter.  The roving that this yarn started from was horrible.  I stopped working with it twice because of all the second cuts.  Finally I just spun it to be whatever it would be...a slubby yarn, but it is soft and is worked out fine for her slippers. 

While reading Sandi’s blog she mentioned having a problem with hats not staying on her head and wrote about making a bonnet.  Following her instructions I made myself one as I suffer from the same hat ailment! 

I have been baking bread and reading my way through the five Song of Ice and Fire series or Game of Thrones as it is better known.  I have a long wait for the next book as it is not due out until 2015.   

I got an external hard drive for Christmas so I have been going through all the files and pictures on my computer to see if they are relevant and worth the transferring. 

But now everything is getting put on hold while I go take care of the grandsons for a week.  Trying to think of something to work on while they are sleeping (hahahaha) when #2 daughter asks me to make a baby afghan for her friends shower in February….So much for my mental and physical hiatus!  

Pictures of finished projects when I return


Linda said...

Hope those rivers stay within their banks. Yep, back to spinning; dyeing some roving; got 4#s done so far; toying with doing another 2 or 4 today. Don't you love it when that wool that caused so many problems, that almost went in the trash, turns out to be beautiful, soft and knit-worthy? Makes it worth all the cussing under one's breath and the frustration.
Hope you have a great time with the grandsons!!

Unknown said...

I have no idea what was happening for the past year, but your blog was NOT showing up in my feed. But suddenly, it is back again, thank goodness.

I need to get busy and do more spinning. This is the best time of year for me to do that, and so far, I've not done very much of it. I need to get in the "habit" again.

I hope you have a nice time with the little time away and being spent with your grandsons. I'm sure they will liven your life quite a bit. LOL

Take care............ :)