There are more than a couple of gray hairs showing in Mother Nature's locks right now but it makes it even more beautiful. I love all the seasons but temperature-wise, I would have to say Spring and Autumn are the best. The 50-60's are perfect weather. The Mystery Lily's must agree because they gave a second wave of blossoms

I have been busy all summer canning but I feel busier now. I am going in a hundred directions and then crash into bed at night.
I am ripping and tearing the garden. I picked seven pounds of celery and froze it. I also picked more of these...
I haven't done anything with them yet. I was thinking of passing them on or dehydrating them. I have already pawned off bags of them-they are starting to be like zucchini where people hide when they see you coming. I almost pulled the plants but decided to leave them until the frost hits.

I picked some pears at a friends house which I need to do something with. My kids like the pear honey but prefer a grape, blackberry, elderberry or raspberry jam. They don't like pears canned so I found a pear bread which says it freezes well so I am going to try it and see what we get.
I have been knitting. I made the two pair of baby socks,

And I went through some bags of fleece that were given to me and washed up some of that and dumped what I didn't want to be bothered with. We went to shear our sheep this Saturday and the man replaced a little part and now the new shears don't want to cut. He needs to figure out what he did because I need them sheared NOW....of course they are calling for rain pretty much all week.
The Christmas countdown on the last post really kicked me in the butt. I have been working on some Christmas presents and picked up quite a few this weekend. I have always loved Christmas but I am really having fun this year. Of course it is early still so I may burn out before the holiday gets here.
I was suppose to go to the farmer's market early Friday but ended up helping a friend who needed to go to the doctor. So today I am heading out to see what is coming out of the farmer's fields and ovens...Apple cider doughnuts are calling me, gotta go.
1 comment:
Well, it looks like you figured out the "Christmas" project and it came out really well. Love that gorgeous yellow baby sweater, and the socks are adorable, of course. I love using up left over sock yarn that way, and they always make the best baby shower gifts too.
Your Mystery Lilies are adorable and lovely as well. My Rose of Sharon is just now blooming. For some reason it blooms late every year. When all the others are done, that's when mine begins. This year it's lucky it didn't get bit by the frost we had last week.
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