Monday started with the weather man telling us there were only 125 days till Christmas. He said "it" was here. He meant this....

which I saw when we went fishing at the "secret spot" which you get to only by going over the river and thru the woods. I love it back here except for the rattlesnakes.
While there I found hazelnut, highbush cranberry and elderberry!!!
As they fished I got all the ripe elderberry and we are going back tomorrow for the rest of what is there. We will have to wait for the hazelnut and highbush cranberry. We saw the fish
(but sadly went hungry as nobody caught any) and we saw frogs
and little man scared an eagle away when he fell in. The man picked me a flower.
Gotta love him he puts up with so much from me and my kids and keeps asking for more...he must be mentally unstable!!!
Monday night we took the chickens and turkeys up to the butcher.

We did the turkeys ourselves one year but we were slow and it is so much easier to pay this old couple that do it for extra money. Their place is immaculate and they have all the equipment. They charge $2/bird and you drop them off one night and pick them up all wrapped the next day.
Helped #1 daughter shop for things for her new apartment and paint some on Tuesday. Today we went to her college and got everything ready for her to start on Monday. When I finally got in and sat down the younger two started yelling to come see....

The Goodyear Blimp was flying over. I don't know where it was going but the kids thought it was cool.
I haven't spun anything lately but I have been working on the Wee Aran Knit

and today I joined the sleeves to the body. Not the best picture but you get the idea. I would love to have it done this weekend but canning and soccer will come first. The tomatoes are coming in and need to be dealt with along with those elderberry.
The sweater is mucho beautiful! Honestly, I don't know how you seem to get it all done!
Thank You The family doesn't eat, the house is a mess, and the animals are running loose all over the neighborhood...that's how I get it done. Actually it is alot of riding time, that's why I don't like to drive!!!!
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