Remember red light, green light? Supposedly April comes and everything turns green? Not quite. We did have a wonderful weekend but snow showers are still in the forecast. I don't want to get too excited and then have my hopes dashed but the daffodils are starting to bloom.
And better late than never the seed starting has commenced. I have kept putting this off so I am a month behind.
And I have an (unblocked) FO.
Back in February Cyndy sent me an invite to the We Love North American Alpaca group on Ravelry. I joined and promised Cyndy to do the March S-KAL which was the stacked eyelet cowl. Almost all the alpaca fiber I have I got from my cousin's at Kuhn's River Country Alpaca Farm. When I knew I didn't have time to both spin and knit the cowl I grabbed a ball of previous spun alpaca and cast on. It later dawned on me where I got it....lets just say I bought it in North America and leave it there. Quick knit which I finished this morning...yeah I know it is April ignore that small fact. It could have been done earlier but I was baby knitting and #1 keeps calling with pregnancy questions and chitchat. When I say I have got to hang up so I can get something done she gets annoyed. I can clean house while on the phone but I can't knit for long or my neck starts hurting from holding the phone. Wise guy that she is she sent me this...

Somehow, I don't think I was on the phone while she was crafting that!

I have one daffodil that has begun to bud, but not blossom yet. Many more coming though.
I agree, it's very hard to knit and talk on the phone, unless you use a speaker phone, and I personally don't like them. Love the little "craft" comment. Your daughter does have a sense of humor, it seems. :)
My daffs on the south hill are open, the tete a tetes in the garden were the first...those on lawn are just starting to show color in the bud.
Love your cowl! You should post the photo to the group! Beautiful!
LOL ...daughter #1 makes me laugh! She really can't take ALL the credit for that!!! I think she had some help...or at the very least a little collaboration on that project!!!
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