Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chinese Fortune Cookie

"Vacation can wait. Stick to the project" ~ Chinese fortune cookie

We had Chinese for dinner Friday as I had seen enough of the kitchen. Saturday after helping a friend, I finally read my fortune cookie. "Vacation can wait. Stick to the project". I would have loved to have had a weekend away from canning but I guess it was not meant to be. So this morning I finished the second dish/wash cloth to a set, picked the rest of the garden huckleberries (47 pounds!!!), went to Mom's where we canned 11 1/2 quarts of tomatoes and 17-1/2 pints of hot pepper butter. We finished at 4 and cleaned up and I am done for the day.

After making 11 1/2 quarts of hot peppers and not making a dent in them, I had to find something else. I found hot pepper butter . I do NOT do hot peppers but the man loves them. I made 1/2 a batch to see how it was and he loved it as did the kids. They finally talked me into trying it and it has less heat than the Raspberry Chipotle Sauce I make so I made another batch. I ran the recipe up to Cyndy with a taste test and tried pawning some huckleberries off on her but didn't get away with it this time. I called another friend to pawn off some more hot peppers and I am waiting on her to call back. If she doesn't want them I will make poppers for the man to take to work for the guys. So I am taking a mini vacation until tomorrow when we tackle the huckleberries. October can not come soon enough for me as I want to be done with canning and time away from canning and the garden is a vacation. Oh and the next time we have Chinese I am not going to read the fortune.

1 comment:

cyndy said...

Thank you for the peppers! And for the is really tasty and I'm sure we will use it up.

Sorry I just couldn't do the berries...I am swamped with other chores and have fallen behind due to the festival and, ahem, flax.