By the time I finished it was time for the kids to go to their soccer game...they won! That's not something they do on a regular basis so they were wired. Not long after finishing the rain came again.
The weather is up and down but no frost yet. But this just seems to have spurred on the "so much to do and so little time to do it" feeling. Last week we canned salsa and tomato soup. Today we made three batches of green tomato relish and tomorrow we are going to make blackberry jam. If there is time we will also make salsa with the last of the tomatoes. The man is going to go pick the highbush cranberries tomorrow and we are going to try making sauce and jelly with them the next day.
We also got the sheep and the goat sheared today. Everytime we wanted to shear them it rained and you can't shear when they are wet. The weatherman was calling for rain today but lucky for us it held off and it is suppose to be warm for the next couple of days so they won't freeze their butts off. I went and cut some of this years blackberry canes down and gave it to the sheep and goats to appease them for the torture I put them thru today!
One good thing about driving around is that you get to take pictures of the season coming in.
Here in the river valley the leaves have lightened up but haven't really changed color.
Even at the top of the mountains looking out you don't see much change in our area.
But 20 miles away you can see more and more trees showing their colors.