Use the talents you possess - for the woods would
be a very silent place if no birds sang except for the best.
~Henry Van Dyke
I have birds on my
mind. I guess it starts with the new chickens
which should start laying soon. Then it
moves on to the turkeys we are raising for Thanksgiving & Christmas dinner;
are they big enough yet or should we let them go another couple of weeks.
Then it meanders like a
flooding stream to this little bird.
#2 son nicely paid for him after he broke my last knitting bowl three weeks after I bought it. I
acquired him this past weekend at the Endless Mountain Sheep & Wool
festival. He is still just a passing
acquaintance as I have yet to sit down and have a conversation with him.
The garden is being a very
domineering child, demanding my full attention.
I had been dealing with approximately 100+ of tomatoes and two grocery
bags of beans that we picked late last week so I felt confident that ignoring
the garden over the weekend would not be a problem.
But like a spurn lover
jealous of no longer having my attention it went crazy, inundating me with three more bags of beans and 50+ pounds of tomatoes.
Not willing to give
into these jealous fits, I said to hell with it and I went out Tuesday night in
pursuit of yet another fiber hobby, tatting.
It is one of those things that
is beautiful and I have wanted to learn but didn’t pursue further. When the chance was given to me to have hands
on demonstrations (read HELLLLPPP!!!) I
So far I have only learned the
double stitch. I attempted a picot (yes
that small thing that looks like a pimple) before we had to call it a night. I still need a ton more practice to get the
stitches more even and my picots more defined but this is a very portable
craft. My socks were evicted from the
sock bag so it could carry my cotton, scissors and shuttle. And check out these Handmade
tatting shuttles …beautiful! I think they would love to come live in my sock bag!
So Wednesday morning I
woke to nightmares of being buried under tomatoes. I sent the man to work and the kids to
school. I entered the kitchen determined
to beat the tomatoes into submission only to find I no longer have any empty
pint jars! But I was not to be beaten by
that minor detail, salsa tastes just as good in a quart jar as it does a pint,
so does V8 and tomato sauce.
Today finds me still at
the tomatoes, I would say I was making some headway but I did sneak a peak into
the garden while walking by. The jealous
fits continue, but in a weaker form. I
will not be defeated, I will not give in, I will emerge ready to knit, spin, or
tat again.
It would happen sooner if
for once the kids did NOT listen to me and left the garden gate open!

Lol, Judy! I would definitely learn or work any fiber craft instead of letting veggies take over my days. But, of course, it would make for sad dinners come winter! Love the new yarn bowl; the little bird is precious. Have a great weekend; hope you get to practice tatting and use your bowl.
You are learning a new skill! Yay!
Now I can pick your brain, (which is far superior to a bird's) and you can teach me! I have several tatting needles that languish in my sewing basket...let's put them to work :-)
Love the yarn bowl
All the best to you Judy. I learned needle tatting with a book from Annie's Attic, several years ago, and it's great fun. I look forward to seeing some of your dainty treasures in the near future. :)
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