son is 16. Having just received his
learner’s permit he is more than willing to go anywhere with me now! Grocery shopping is no longer mundane, it is
an adventure.
school let out for the summer he signed up for the Army (I haven’t signed yet but this is what he
wants). If all goes as planned, next
summer he will do his basic training and then his advanced training right after
graduation. So this is his last summer
of “childhood.” He says he wants to
really enjoy this summer.
was talking to a friend’s husband about gardening/beekeeping. Tobacco was mentioned so he researched
different kinds, their uses and curing process needed. He finally settled on an heirloom variety, bought
it, sowed them, transplanted them into larger pots and has now transplanted
them into the garden. Not wild about his
choice of what to grow since we can’t eat it.
I am glad that it has sparked and interest in gardening and that he is
out there with me a lot more so I can’t complain. He has been helping more at the barn and the
house (dormers are finally being added) along with working his summer job. I am hoping to bribe him and his friends
into painting the milk house this summer!
#2 daughter is starting her senior year of high school in September. She babysits several days/nights per week. Her one customer is taking her along on their summer vacation to North Carolina. She is going to Florida on her class trip in November. When not working she has been helping control the weeds. Of course she is the first to suggest taking a break and going for a swim too!
lest you say all work and no play…we have been fishing/swimming. Jake Owens is playing at the fair in the next
county so the kids have tickets for that.
And Jason Aldean with Luke Bryan are playing at the old Woodstock site. Plans are being discussed for another charter
fishing trip…salmon would be nice, just in case they want some input! One of the man’s co workers went clamming and
brought us home some which turned into New England clam chowder. I could get
into some clam digging and I want to go to the Corning Museum but scheduling
everyone to have the same day off is getting crazy. For the first time in the twelve years the
man and I have been together we have been eating dinner alone! I am going to have to learn to cook smaller
portions or eat the same thing for a couple of days!
we are only 1 ½ weeks out of the school year.
The garden after a late start has taken off, unfortunately the weeds
have too. Blackberries look abundant if
I can keep the birds from them. #2 son’s
boss has property with blueberries which he said we can pick so we are waiting
on them.
weather continues its erratic behavior.
It was in the 90’s last week, 70 yesterday and will be 90 before Friday. It was 49 this morning. Some knitting (in front of the fan) is being
done when it is too hot to do anything else.
It is the Afternoon Tea shawl. I have also been carding and spinning some Cotswold. I have a ton of roving so why am I working on
something that needs more work? I have
no clue.
animals are getting bigger. I let the
duck hatch out some eggs so we have four little ducklings running around. I truly love this time of year regardless of
the weather. I love the new animals,
eating out of the garden, eating outside, fireflies, curtains blowing in the
breeze…not so much love going out to the mosquito’s, ticks and snakes.
time is wasting so I better go do the barn chores. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer...before it's gone.