Friday, December 14, 2007

Kisses from Heaven

Snowflakes are kisses from heaven. ~Author Unknown

Kisses fell all day yesterday and for the first time in a long time I had to drive in it. Normally there is nothing that can't wait until when the man is home that would force me to drive in snow but yesterday we had mom's chemo appointment.

The schools had cancelled school the night before so #2 daughter decided to ride with us. There was about an inch on the roads when we left....there were 6 inches on them when we left the hospital. The half hour ride turned into an hour and a half ride.

Now picture this...
a fat middle aged woman with a deathgrip on the steering wheel, fingernails piercing the palms of her hands,
her mother -nervous but not saying a word for fear her daughter would tell her to get out and walk, and
driver's daughter sitting in the back, praying we stay on the road as she would be the one to push us out of the ditch or go for help
...inching thru 6 inches of snow on unplowed roads with a river on one side, a canal on the other, ice building up on the wiperblades again...screeeching out Christmas carols to the radio!
It was actually fun!

I had started a scarf using the Woodland Shawl pattern before I left for the hospital, but didn't get much done on it. I got home and ripped it out as I didn't like the yarn. I restarted it using another skein of yarn like the one I used on the Fidget. This one skein of yarn I have is much thicker than what is called for and I am using size 8's so I may not make a full scarf out of it, it might end up as a cowl!

Today I hope to finish Allyssa's afghan and the stocking.

And just in case you missed out on some kisses from heaven, you can go here and make your own....

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