Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A little of this and that

Things are still in an uproar around here. The whole town is stunned but the news is slowly setting in. As there is nothing else that can be said I have decided to show some pics of things that have happened in the past week or so.

I live in a valley. I live at the base of the mountain on one side. That is a zoomed in shot of snow falling on top of the mountain on the other side of my valley. We got nothing, but if you went a mile up they had all this snow. It was amazing watching it snow that close and even better that I didn't have to shovel it!

This is a picture of chicken eggs we got one morning. One of these things ain't like the other...I was told it could be a wind egg. So I looked that up and found this...A wind egg is any soft-shelled hen's egg, laid before the harder shell is formed. In the Middle Ages, they were often called cock's eggs, and the influences of the planets, the vagaries of the weather, or ill winds were blamed for them. The eggs were considered barren and unfit to eat.
The egg was hard shelled so I continued the search and found....A wind egg (sometimes windegg) is a name used to refer to an egg that is somehow lacking. Just how or what it is lacking seems to be a matter of great disagreement.
E. Cobham Brewer's 1894 Dictionary of Phrase and Fable says it's an egg laid without a shell. A popular superstition is that such an egg was fathered by the wind, as were the Thracian Mares. The usual cause of such an egg is that the hen is too fat.
Samuel Johnson's 1755 dictionary defines a windegg as one not impregnated or one that does not contain the principles of life.
Webster's 1913 Dictionary calls a wind egg ,"an imperfect, unimpregnated, or addled egg" A

A little too much information? Well we did crack it open and it seemed to have two shells, one on top of the other. The yolk was nothing more than a dot. We tossed it, nobody wanted to eat it!

This is some of what I should be looking thru but instead I have spun up some of the mohair from Storm. I finished the shrug from Interweave Knit. I misread the directions and sewed it together before doing the lace so I used a lace pattern for a sock instead. I have started another so I can do it right this time and this shrug is a mindless stockinette stitch which is right up my alley right now.

This is what I was really excited about when I saw it in the mail. I took a breif glimpse and put it aside. Before I get there I will have to plot the course I am going to take to get what I want in the smallest amount of time. Crowds and me don't get along. It would be nice if they could spread it out more. By this I mean the inside of the booths. They are so crammed full of stuff to buy that you can't get into look. But then the vendors would be required to pay more for the bigger space and would add that on to the price of their product. I am a want it my way person aren't I?

Well I did the kids taxes and now I should go pack some more boxes but I think I will make chili instead and knit. Then sit and watch Narnia when the kids get home so I can watch American Idol tonight.

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